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Welcome to FishPlus+

FishPlus+ - We wholesale and retail a wide range of fresh seafood such as fish, prawn, squid, shellfish, crab, etc.

Welcome To FishPlus+

FishPlus+ is having more than 30-years' experience in fishing on the sea (which heritage from family business) in Pantai Remis, Perak. Our head office is located in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur. We wholesale and retail a wide range of fresh seafood such as fish, prawn, squid, shellfish, crab, etc. We handle the cleaning process of the seafood once our fisherman hit the shore before vacuum-packing and flash-freezing them to preserve its freshness, flavour and nutrition, as well as the texture are locked. Guarantee no preservative, no antibiotic and no carcinogens. If you have any query or need more information about our products, our customer service team is ready to serve you.
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Our Products

Shell Fish & Crab
Value Added Product


Fish 42 products
Prawn 10 products
Shell Fish & Crab 17 products
Squid 9 products
Poultry 9 products

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